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340 works foundDesign for the stucco ceiling with heraldic cartouche for the church of Santa Maria del Priorato
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (c. 1736–1793), Group 4Ashes urn with shield, masks and tritons
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8Part of the pilaster frame depicting vines, in the Loggia die Cleopatra der Villa Medici
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778) (?) and/or Draughtsman of the Studio, Group 2Studies of a relief with lion protomes, vase and palmette motif; study underneath has vine motif
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778) (?) and/or Draughtsman of the Studio, Group 2Fragment of a text plates from Scenographia CampiMartii
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778)Sarcophagus from Palazzo Savelli with lion motif beside boy carrying a rabbit
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778) (?) and/or Draughtsman of the Studio, Group 2Sketch of the lid of lion sarcophagus from Palazzo Savelli, with a boy holding a dove and tabula ansata
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778) (?) and/or Draughtsman of the Studio, Group 2Soffitt with youthful Hercules amongst leafy vines from the Temple of Venus Genetrix at the Forum of Caesar
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Acanthus leaf, lower part of a floral pilaster
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8Capital with winged genii, garland and eagle from the Palazzo Massimo
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 10Sketch of a pedestal
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi StudioPegasus capital from the Temple of Mars Ultor
Unidentified pupil of the Piranesi studio, Group 9