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Design for the stucco ceiling with heraldic cartouche for the church of Santa Maria del Priorato

This design of a cartouche with an escutcheon was subsequently executed in stucco, in a relief on the ceiling of the Roman church of Santa Maria del Priorato, which Giovanni Battista Piranesi renovated. The design features a cardinal’s galero, double-headed eagle, tower, helmets, and a Maltese cross and thus fuses elements from the coat of arms of Piranesi’s client, Giovanni Battista Rezzonico, and symbols of the military achievements of the Knights of Malta, the Catholic chivalric order to which Rezzonico belonged. The drawing reproduces the objects in minute detail and stark chiaroscuro. A comparison with another representation pasted on the previous album leaf has raised questions as to the sheet’s specific function during the design process.

Artwork information

  • Artist

    Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (c. 1736–1793), Group 4

  • Place and date

    Rome, ca. 1764–1766

  • Dimensions (sheet)

    573 x 443 mm

  • Inventory number

    IX 5159-35-27-1


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