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340 works foundSarcophagus relief with central portal and garland and portrait bust motif
Unidentified pupils of the Piranesi Studio, Group 9Garlands
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi StudioRight side of a sarcophagus relief with clipeus (shield), peacock and genius motifs
Unidentified pupils of the Piranesi Studio, Group 9Soffitt decoration with leaf, vine and central flower motifs, between two columns
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Relief fragment with eagle and thunderbolt
Unidentified pupils of the Piranesi Studio, Group 9Fragment of candelabra base
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi StudioSketch of half of a soffitt with leaf, flower and vine motifs.
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Fragment of sitting figure with a crossed leg
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi StudioFrieze and detailed studies from the Temple of Vespasian in the Roman Forum
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Relief depicting Victory and trophies, from the Domus Flavia on the Palatine Hill
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Soffitt from the Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum in Rome, with a central flower motif surrounded by leafy vines
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Design for the stucco ceiling with heraldic cartouche for the church of Santa Maria del Priorato
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), reworked in the Piranesi studio (Giovanni Battista or Francesco Piranesi?), Group 4