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340 works foundHeads study of two-headed calf, viewed from the front and the back
Filippo Grado (after 1715-1792)Inscription
Unidentified handwritingVictory frieze from the Palazetto Massimo Istoriato
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Victory frieze from the Palazetto Massimo Istoriato
Unidentified draughtsmanVictory frieze from the Palazetto Massimo Istoriato
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Victory frieze from the Palazetto Massimo Istoriato
Unidentified draughtsmanLeaf and palmette friezes from the Domus Flavia on the Palatine
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Sarcophagus relief with scenic representations between figures bearing a garland of fruit
Unidentified pupils of the Piranesi Studio, Group 9Vase with vine decoration atop a hexagonal base decorated with garlands bearing Erotes
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi studio, Group 8Sketch of a longish pillar with clawed feet and herm decoration
Unidentified draftsman of the Piranesi studioCornice from the base of Trajan's column
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Pteruge with elephant head decoration, from the colossal statue of Mars Ultor in the Capitoline museum
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8