A wicker basket overflowing with fruits is firmly planted in a nest of acanthus leaves, with two laurel branches decoratively entwining above it. Antique-inspired ornament vocabulary as displayed here was very popular in French interiors of the late 18th century. Viewed in the context of the Roman drawings in the Karlsruhe albums, this design raises certain questions.
Artwork information
Unidentified French draughtsman, Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (c. 1736–1793) (?)
Place and date
Rome, probably 1760s to 1770s
Dimensions (sheet)
443 x 176 mm
Inventory number
IX 5159-35-2-1
- Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier
- Rötel
- Abklatsch
- Ölpause
- Wasserzeichen
- Italienisches Papier
- Akanthusranken
- Ranke
- Paneel
- IX 5159-35-2-1
- Jean-Baptiste-Marc-Antoine Descamps
- Sammlung Waddesdon Manor
- Antoine-François Callet
- César Daly
- Pierre-Adrien Pâris
- Unid. frz. Zeichner, Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (?)
- Wappen beider Sizilien/Kgr. Neapel
GND terms
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