About the Karlsruhe Piranesi Albums
A Short Introduction
Irene Brückle, Georg Kabierske, Bénédicte Maronnie, Astrid Reuter, Dorit SchäferThe 2014 reattribution[1] to Giovanni Battista Piranesi and his workshop of the drawings preserved in two albums from the estate of the Baden architect Friedrich Weinbrenner (1766–1826) has led to a fundamental change of perspective on Piranesi’s oeuvre. The drawings can be dated to Piranesi’s period of activity in Rome from the 1750s onwards. In total, the albums contain 298 sheets, some of which have works on both sides, 297 of which have drawings on what is now their front side and one sheet is a print. At least 43 of the sheets are inscribed, printed, or labeled on the back.The two landscape-format volumes measure approximately 48.5 x 59.5 cm and come from the estate of Friedrich Weinbrenner, who presumably acquired them in Rome in the 1790s. After Weinbrenner's death, they passed to the Baden court - presumably as part of Weinbrenner's estate auction in Karlsruhe on 8 July 1826 - together with a large number of his own travel drawings and architectural plans. From there, according to the inventory book, they went to the then Großherzogliche Kunsthalle in 1861 and are now kept in the Kupferstichkabinett of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe.
1. Georg Kabierske, “A Cache of Newly Identified Drawings by Piranesi and His Studio at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe”, Master Drawings 53 (2015): 147–178.
- Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Biographical Notes
Giovanni Battista Piranesi was born on October 4, 1720 in the town of Mogliano Veneto near Venice, Italy, the son of a stonemason.[1] In 1735 he began to study architecture, at first with his uncle Matteo Lucchesi, who was an architect and the engineer responsible for the water management of the Venetian lagoon, afterwards with his uncle’s colleague Giovanni Antonio Scalfarotto (1777–1863).[2] In this circle, Piranesi acquired knowledge about the art and history of antiquity. He next learned the technique of etching and about theatrical scenic painting in the workshop of engraver Carlo Zucchi (1682–1767) and also came into contact with Domenico and Giuseppe Valeriani (1720?–before 1771 and ca. 1708–1761/62), who were known for their paintings of architecture. In the process, he most certainly also engaged with the frontal and diagonal perspective of stage designs by the Galli Bibiena family, whose influence can be seen in his own architectural fantasies. Additionally, Piranesi gained first important insights into publishing activities in Venice. He was in regular contact with the influential engraver Joseph Wagner (1706–1780), who worked in Venice.[3]
In 1740, the twenty-year-old Piranesi went to Rome for the first time as a draughtsman in the entourage of the Venetian envoy to the Holy See, Marco Foscarini, though he quickly realised that there were not too many good career prospects in the city’s architecture trades at the time. So he soon moved on to the workshop of the veduta engraver Giuseppe Vasi (1710–1782).[4] An enduring influence on Piranesi was his work from the beginning of the 1740s on Giuseppe Nolli’s outstanding map of Rome, published in 1748, where he gained significant experience in the area of topographical representation.[5] Following a disagreement with his teacher Vasi, Piranesi set up on his own. In 1743, when he was only 23, thanks to the support of his early patron and mentor Nicola Giobbe, he published Prima parte di Architettura e Prospettive, a series of architectural fantasies.[6] Of significance for his artistic maturity appear to have been many stays in his native city of Venice from 1743 to 1747, during which time he came into contact with Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, among others. Tiepolo’s luminous and airy Venetian style as well as his reference to the Venetian tradition of the capriccio influenced Piranesi’s own drawings and etchings at that time.[7] At the beginning of his career between Rome and Venice, Piranesi worked on several works of prints, such as the Varie Vedute di Roma Antica e Moderna, first published in 1745, which fellows of the French Academy also worked on.[8]
After returning to Rome in September 1747, Piranesi set up his first workshop on the Corso. Subsequently, further series of prints were published, including the first plates of the Vedute di Roma, still popular with tourists in Rome today, and in 1749–1750 the first edition of the now famous “imaginary prisons”, Le Carceri appeared, praised today for their expressiveness and “modernity”.[9]
Piranesi’s great interest in archaeology is very apparent in several series of prints devoted to ancient architecture and building decoration. In this context, Piranesi had carried out excavations and measured entire buildings as well as partially preserved elements of buildings, drawn them himself, or had them drawn by assistants. For example, the four-volume Antichità Romane, contains ancient fragments and plans alongside vedutas of ancient ruins in Rome. He also attempted to undertake reconstructions and staged fantastic imaginings of antiquity, which were certainly inspired by his training as a stage designer. Further, he devoted entire publications to individual ancient sites in and around Rome, such as the Field of Mars, the ancient columned monuments, the sites of Albano, Castel Gandolfo, Cori, and the Greek temples of Paestum. Other publication projects, which he began working on towards the end of his career, were somewhat later continued and published by his son Francesco.
In all these undertakings, Piranesi always understood himself as an architect. This is confirmed by his signature “archittetto veneziano” or “archittetto romano”, which he used until around the beginning of the 1760s, and unmistakably by his own architectural designs. In 1763, Pope Clement XIII (Pope 1758–1769) commissioned him to draw up designs for the remodelling of San Giovanni in Laterano, but these were not implemented at the time due to funding difficulties. In the following years, 1764–1766, Piranesi was commissioned by the Pope's nephew Giovanni Battista Rezzonico (1740–1783), Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta, to redesign the forecourt and the church of Santa Maria del Priorato on the Aventine.
The fact that Piranesi also excelled as a designer or decorative artist is evident not only by his drawings of extravagant console tables, clocks, and sedan chairs, but also by the large number of fireplace designs, some of which he published in the book of plates Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini, first published in 1769. He even had fireplaces made to his designs in marble, most of which he sold to wealthy travellers on their Grand Tour around Italy.
In addition, Piranesi composed idiosyncratic, classical antiquity-style candelabra and vase sculptures (see Pasticcio), the designs of which he published in the two-volume work Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi, published in 1778. Some of these objects were crafted by Antoine Guillaume Grandjaquet (1731–1801), Annibale Malatesta (ca. 1754– to after 1825), and Bartolomeo Cavaceppi (ca. 1716–1799). They were made in marble and were for sale; sometimes they included fragments of ancient originals. However, the production of marbles far exceeded the works published in Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi. Although a large number of these sculptural compositions have been preserved in various collections, until now no major drawings of these spectacular inventions were known, except for a few minor sketches.
Suffering from serious illness, Giovanni Battista Piranesi died in Rome on November 9, 1778. His studio, which he had set up in 1761 in Palazzo Tomati on Strada Felice (today’s Via Gregoriana, above the Spanish Steps), was initially continued by his eldest son Francesco Piranesi, who also published books of plates in the tradition of his father.[10]
Little is known about the history of the studio’s development during the 1790s. Francesco gradually sold the marble objects and fragments that were kept in the studio, and according to sources, other material was looted during the two Neapolitan invasions of Rome (November 1798 and July 1799).[11] By 1797 at the latest, the Piranesi family is mentioned in Strada Felice in the Stati delle Anime.[12] After the collapse of the Roman Republic in 1799, Francesco and his brother Pietro Piranesi, who were actively involved in political events on the side of the Jacobins, moved to Paris.[13] It was probably within this context and before his return to Baden[14] in June 1797 that Friedrich Weinbrenner (1766–1826) acquired the drawings that are in his albums, which are now in the collection of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe.[15]
1. Numerous studies have been devoted to Piranesi’s life or to specific aspects of his life, including the early publications byAlbert Giesecke, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Leipzig, 1911, and Henri Focillon, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Paris, 1918. Here we mention only a few other publications that were used in the writing of this short biography: John Wilton-Ely, Piranesi as Architect and Designer (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press), 1993, 1–33, Sarah Vowles, “‘Architetto Veneziano’: The Life of Giovanni Battista Piranesi”, in Sara Vowles, ed., Piranesi Drawings: Visions of Antiquity (London: The British Museum, Thames & Hudson, 2020), 10–17, and Mario Bevilacqua, Taccuini di Modena, vol. 1 (Rome: Artemide, 2008), 269–295.
2. On Piranesi’s initial training and environment in Venice, see the 1983 reference work Alessandro Bettagno, ed., Piranesi tra Venezia e l’Europa (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1983) and the articles contained therein, including by Ennio Concina, “Storia, archeologia, architettura dal Maffei a M. Lucchesi: coordinate per il giovane Piranesi”, 361–376, and Lionello Puppi, “Appunti sulla educazione veneziana di Giambattista Piranesi”, 217–264. See also the more recent publication on the period from Piranesi’s training in Venice to his arrival in Rome, Mario Bevilacqua, “The Young Piranesi: The Itineraries of His Formation”, in Mario Bevilacqua, Heather Hyde Minor, and Fabio Barry, eds., The Serpent and the Stylus: Essays on G.B. Piranesi, (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2010), 13–52.
3. According to his biographer Jacques Guillaume Legrand, Wagner commissioned Piranesi to sell his prints in Rome around 1747, thus giving him the financial means to return to the Eternal City; see Gilbert Erouart and Monique Mosser, “À propos de la ‘Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J.-B. Piranesi’: origine et fortune d’une biographie”, in Piranèse et les français, ed. Georges Brunel, colloquium, Rome, Villa Medici, 12–14 May 1976 (Rome: Edizioni dell’Elefante, 1978), 213–252, here 225.
4. See, e.g., Heather Hyde Minor, “Rejecting Piranesi,” The Burlington Magazine, 143, 1180 (2001): 412–419; Luisa Scalabroni, Giuseppe Vasi, 1710–1782 (Rome: Multigrafica Editrice, 1981), 17–19.
5. See Mario Bevilacqua, Nolli Piranesi Vasi: Percorsi e incontri nella città del Settecento (Rome: Artemide, 2004), 19–29, here 26–28.
6. Cf. Andrew Robison, Piranesi: Early Architectural Fantasies, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Etchings (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1986); Georges Brunel, “Recherches sur les débuts de Piranèse à Rome: les frères Pagliarini et Nicola Giobbe”, in Piranèse et les français, ed. Georges Brunel, colloquium, Rome, Villa Medici, 12–14 May 1976 (Rome: Edizioni dell’Elefante, 1978), 77–146.
7. See also Andrew Robison, “Giovanni Battista Piranesi”, in Jane Martineau and Andrew Robison, eds., The Glory of Venice, exh. cat. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994), 383–389; Sabine Poeschel, “Scherzi e fantasie: Piranesi und die venezianische Tradition des Capriccio”, in Corinna Höper, Jeannette Stoschek, and Elisabeth Kieven, eds., Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Die Wahrnehmung von Raum und Zeit, colloquim 25–26 June 1999 (Marburg: Jonas, 2002), 21–36.
8. See also Cara D. Denison, Myra Nan Rosenfeld, and Stefanie Wales, eds., Exploring Rome: Piranesi and his Contemporaries, exh. cat. (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1993), 72–75.
9. Among the weatlth of publications on the subject of the Carceri see, for example, the important essay by Mauro Calvesi, “Ideologia e riferimenti delle ‘Carceri’”, in Alessandro Bettagno, ed., Piranesi tra Venezia e l’Europa (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore,1983), 339–360.
10. See also John Wilton-Ely, Piranesi, Paestum, and Soane (Munich: Prestel, 2013); Roberto Pane, Paestum nelle acquaforti di Piranesi (Milano, Edizioni di Comunità, 1980); Valeria Mirra, Un’impresa culturale e commerciale: la Calcografia Piranesi da Roma a Parigi (1799–1810), unpublished dissertation, Università di Roma Tre, 2010/2011; Heather Hyde Minor, “Marcher sur les traces de son père: The Piranesi Enterprise between Rome and Paris”, in Francesco Nevola, ed., Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Predecessori, contemporanei e successori studi in onore di John Wilton-Ely (Studi sul Settecento Romano, 32) (Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 2016), 263–278.
11. Valeria Mirra, Un’impresa culturale e commerciale: la Calcografia Piranesi da Roma a Parigi (1799–1810), unpublished dissertation, Università di Roma Tre, 2010/2011; Rossana Caira Lumetti, La cultura dei Lumi tra Italia e Svezia: Il ruolo di Francesco Piranesi (Rome: Buonacci editore, 1990); Anatole de Montaiglon and Jules Guiffrey, eds., Correspondance des Directeurs de l’Académie de France à Rome, vol. 17, 1797–1804 (Paris, 1908) 271–274.
12. According to research by Bénédicte Maronnie in the Archivio del Vicariato, Stati delle Animi, Anno 1797.
13. Valeria Mirra, Un’impresa culturale e commerciale: la Calcografia Piranesi da Roma a Parigi (1799–1810), unpublished dissertation, Università di Roma Tre, 2010/2011, 77f.; Mario Bevilacqua, Piranesi 1778. Ricerche interrotte, opere perdute”, in V. Cazzato, S. Roberto, and M. Bevilacqua (a cura di), Il teatro delle arti. Saggi in onore di Marcello Fagiolo per 50 anni di studi, II, (Rome: Gangemi, 2014), 766–771, 793.
14. On the circumstances of Weinbrenner’s return journey home with his friend and student Hans Kaspar Escher, see Bénédicte Maronnie with Christoph Frank and Maria Krämer, “Nouvelle lumière sur l’album de dessins Vogel-Escher de la Zentralbibliothek de Zurich. Copies et circulation de dessins d’architecture et d’ornements dans l’entourage de Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, et Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier”, Journal of Swiss Archaeology and Art History, 76 (2019): 19–44, here 1, and fn. 8, 38.
15. See Georg Kabierske, “Weinbrenner und Piranesi. Zur Neubewertung von zwei Grafikalben aus dem Besitz Friedrich Weinbrenners in der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe”, in Brigitte Baumstark, Joachim Kleinmanns, and Ursula Merkel, eds., Friedrich Weinbrenner, 1766–1826: Architektur und Städtebau des Klassizismus, exh. cat., Karlsruhe, Städtische Galerie und Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau (Petersberg: Michael Imhof, 2015, 2ed.), 75–87.
- The Significance of the Karlsruhe Albums
Giovanni Battista Piranesi created his enormous oeuvre in the context of a productive studio with several employees and an extensive collection of motifs that served as starting points for creative processes. Because most of this workshop material had been lost until now, but whose existence has been suspected by several authors,[1] the previous literature had evaluated Piranesi’s drawing style and technique on the basis of his often pictorial drawings of figures, vedute, and architectural fantasies in pen, brush, and chalk. However, these types of drawings feature only sporadically in the Karlsruhe Albums. Instead, there are a large number of previously unknown ornamental drawings, which for the first time are located in Piranesi’s immediate circle. Piranesi’s work can thus be reassessed as that of a versatile and style-creating designer of a wealth of ornamental and decorative objects.
The quality of the drawings in the Karlsruhe Albums lies in their collage-like and compilation-like procedures, in which there is on the one hand great artistic freedom and, on the other, the use of various techniques is evident, such as the repetitive tracing procedure. Because of its documentary character, this material provides new insights into studio practice and the process of creating artworks, especially prints. The period of origin for the drawings is estimated from around 1750 until after Piranesi’s death in the 1790s. However, the majority of the drawings were created during the heyday of Piranesi’s enterprise, during the 1760s and 1770s. In the context of the reattribution of the Karlsruhe Albums, it is thus now possible for the first time to examine Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s process of creation and the development of a unique and specific style in the different genres and media of art (prints, restoration and reproductions of antiquities, architectural decoration, decorative pieces) in direct connection with the involvement of his studio. So far, it was only possible to explore this thematic complex by research in individual cases. Thus, Mario Bevilacqua’s publication on the Taccuini di Modena has already paved the way to a new and fundamental inclusion of drawings created in the studio.[2] Further research is currently underway, for example, on the Piranesi drawings in the Morgan Library in New York, which can now be reclassified in the light of the Karlsruhe albums.[3] And research on the etched printing plates held in the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome is providing very interesting new insights about the technical processes and work in the studio.[4]
1. See particularly Henri Focillon, Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Paris: H. Laurens, 1918), 198f. and Felice Stampfle, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library (New York: Dover, 1978), ix.
2. On the Taccuini in Modena see Mario Bevilacqua, Taccuini di Modena, 2 vols., (Rome: Artemide, 2008), and the earlier publication Adriano Cavicchi and Silla Zamboni, “Due ‘Taccuini’ inediti di Piranesi”, in Alessandro Bettagno, ed., Piranesi tra Venezia e l’Europa (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore,1983), 177–216.
3. On the Piranesi collection of the Morgan Library in New York, see the forthcoming (2023) book by John Marciari and the work by Felice Stampfle, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library (New York: Dover, 1978). Our sincere thanks to John Marciari for his invaluable partnership and help.
4. Since 2010, several volumes have been published as part of the Piranesi Project at the Istituto Centrale per la Calcografia, the latest is Ginevra Mariani, ed., Giambattista Piranesi. Matrici incise, vol. 4: 1762–1769 (Rome: De Luca Editori d’arte, 2020).
- The Contents of the Karlsruhe Albums as Objects of Research
Virtually nonexistent in other collections, the Karlsruhe Albums shift the focus onto drawing types, techniques, and studio coworkers, which documents how closely Piranesi’s activities in archaeology, design, and compiling were intertwined. For the very first time, the Karlsruhe drawings make it possible to trace the intensity and complexity of those studio processes that are primarily associated with Piranesi’s production of etchings for his books of engravings. Some of the drawings can be assigned to Piranesi’s sculptural projects, such as the Rhyton Candelabrum or the Albano Altar. On the basis of stylistic classification as a further way of grouping the material, important artistic figures emerged clearly with their œuvre now expanded and at the same time in their connection to Piranesi’s studio.
Approximately twenty drawings were done by Giovanni Battista Piranesi himself and many sheets were created with his direct participation through revisions and inscriptions. Altogether the research group identified fifteen groups of drawings, plus four special groups. In particular, the French draughtsman Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) stands out. Lhuillier almost certainly worked as Piranesi’s collaborator and his drawings of ornament and relief sculptures on Roman buildings were utilised in the studio. Further, the involvement of hands that are learning to draw, including those of Piranesi’s children, was ascertained. These include figure drawings from a sketchbook that was taken apart, which exhibit important similarities to the Morgan Library’s collection of drawings by Piranesi.
The drawings also attest to Piranesi’s considerable network of connections within the contemporary architecture and artistic scenes that went far beyond the borders of Rome into other European countries. That ornamental, serially produced drawings were circulated on an international scale is evidenced, among other things, by a large group of 28 drawings of individual rosettes, which were valued as ancient building ornaments. Piranesi adapted these rosettes in a highly unique way for his new creations; sheets from the same Roman context were also present in other collections of the period as motif templates. A distinctive feature of this network is the abundant evidence of copying methods, which are closely related to the subject of artist training and the traditional practice of drawing antiquities. Conservation research includes the FORS investigation of the red chalk drawings,[1] the development of a non-contact measuring instrument, and the identification of the areas in Italy and The Netherlands where the papers used originated on the basis of their watermarks.
A significant outcome of the project as a whole is the re-evaluation of a type of drawing, which for a long time was regarded as merely a helpful aid, and therefore of secondary importance; accordingly, it was neglected. The project has shown that the Karlsruhe Albums are a complex collection of sources utilised in Piranesi’s studio and later by Friedrich Weinbrenner in his school. With regard to the historical, artistic, and scholarly significance of this material, it was possible to reclassify it in connection with other drawings of a comparable kind, such as the collection in the Morgan Library or the Taccuini in Modena. This reassessment has already allowed other materials to be identified that were formerly in the Piranesi studio. For example, items in the estate of Hans Kaspar Escher in Zurich, the drawing of a vase in the Kunsthalle Hamburg,[3] and a fragment of a column and a fireplace in the album of Weinbrenner’s student Heinrich Geier in the SAAI in Karlsruhe.[4]
Thus it appears that the Karlsruhe drawings are stations in a constant and Europe-wide flow in which historical pictorial sources were copied, transformed, and recreated across genres in the fields of architecture, sculpture, drawing, and printmaking. Based on this, the changed view of Piranesi and his studio can bring about a change in our understanding of the artistic work in the period and, in particular, a critical evaluation of the idea of Piranesi’s artistic genius.
The visibly imperfect states of preservation and considerable wear of individual drawings also required fundamentally engaging with the question of the historically meaningful and aesthetic value of how they were mounted in the albums. In this context, the project undertook a fundamental reassessment of the various states of preservation. For this reason, it was decided to preserve the albums in their original context, flanked by a series of conservation measures. Only individual double-sided drawings were temporarily detached and remounted in their original position after the research was completed. As a whole, the Karlsruhe collection in the albums also sheds new light on comparable contemporary albums associated with Piranesi’s sphere of activity, as exemplified by the albums of the Adam brothers in Sir John Soane’s Museum in London.
Further findings of the research team about the albums that were published elsewhere, can be found in the list of publications. Information about the construction and use of the database In Piranesi's Workshop: The Karlsruhe Albums can be found here. Technical terms are explained in a linked glossary. In the context of this project, several academic dissertations have been written, which explored certain topics of this project in more detail. These include the BA and MA dissertations of Georg Kabierske, the MA dissertation of conservator Judith Becker, as well as dissertations by Maria Krämer (art technology, expected to be completed in 2023) and Bénédicte Maronnie (art history, expected to be completed in 2023) see also the publication list.
An important note should be added at this point: We understand the preparation of the results of this interdisciplinary project in the form of a bilingual database as encouraging the pursuit of future research and as a “work in progress”. Should further sheets from Piranesi’s studio be found in the upcoming years, they could be compared with the Karlsruhe material and the groups of drawings proposed here and evaluated. Previously unknown drawings could complement the attempts at classification, and facilitate, confirm, or even revise analyses done thus far.
Last but not least, the professional and financial stakeholders associated with this project should be acknowledged. The 2017–2021 project was made possible by funds from the German Research Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Information about the project partners, all funders, and the wide circle of experts who supported the project with their knowledge and always with great enthusiasm can be found here.
1. See Maria Maria Krämer, Ute Henniges, Irene Brückle, Laura Lenfant, and Kirsten Drüppel, “Analysis of Red Chalk Drawings from the Workshop of Giovanni Battista Piranesi Using Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy”, Heritage Science 9, 112 (2021).
2. See Bénédicte Maronnie with Christoph Frank and Maria Krämer, “Nouvelle lumière sur l’album de dessins Vogel-Escher de la Zentralbibliothek de Zurich. Copies et circulation de dessins d’architecture et d’ornements dans l’entourage de Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, et Nicolas François-Daniel Lhuillier”, Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, 76 (2019): 19–44.
3. See Georg Kabierske, “Vasi, urne, cinerarie, altari e candelabri: Newly Identified Drawings for Piranesi’s Antiquities and Sculptural Compositions at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe”, in Francesco Nevola, ed., Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Predecessori, contemporanei e successori: Studi in onore di John Wilton-Ely (Studi sul Settecento Romano, 32) (Rome: Edizioni Quasar, 2016), 245–262, here 251f, Fig. 21.
4. See Georg Kabierske, “Weinbrenner und Piranesi. Zur Neubewertung von zwei Grafikalben aus dem Besitz Friedrich Weinbrenners in der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe”, in Brigitte Baumstark, Joachim Kleinmanns, and Ursula Merkel, eds., Friedrich Weinbrenner, 1766–1826: Architektur und Städtebau des Klassizismus, exh. cat., Karlsruhe, Städtische Galerie und Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Architektur und Ingenieurbau (Petersberg: Michael Imhof, 2015, 2ed.), 75–87, here 84 and Cat. 11.47.
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