In elegant scrolls, the vine springs from a wreath of acanthus leaves at the bottom of the sheet. The vine unfurls splendidly in long curling forms that are counterposed by variously shaped leaves, flowers, and fruits. All manner of creatures populate the vegetal forms – most noticeably birds perching or clutching tendrils for their nest – but a closer inspection also reveals a lizard, snails, a mouse, a bee, a grasshopper, and a butterfly. The idealized vine, executed in bold strokes of red chalk, is derived from an ancient relief frieze found in the Villa Medici in Rome. Its design was widely disseminated and reproduced in drawings and prints. The cracks here, executed in black overdrawing, represent real fractures in the marble. By choosing to reproduce the panel in its fractured state in his etching, Piranesi demonstrates an antiquarian purpose to his art.
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Artwork information
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (c. 1736–1793), reworked in the Piranesi studio (by Giovanni Battista or Francesco Piranesi?), Group 4
Place and date
Rome, probably between 1755 and 1768, but certainly before 1771
Dimensions (sheet)
650 x 258 mm
Inventory number
IX 5159-35-10-1
GND terms
- Relief;
- Ranke;
- Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm von;
- Loys Monteagudo, Domingo Antonio;
- Akanthus;
- Lhuillier, Nicolas-François-Daniel;
- Vogel, David;
- Villa Medici;
- Percier, Charles;
- Abklatschverfahren;
- Della Valle, Andrea;
- Escher, Hans Caspar;
- Saint Non, Jean Claude Richard de;
- Fries;
- Paris, Pierre Adrien
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