The pilaster capital shows some rather capricious ornament: resting on a wreath of acanthus leaves is Pegasus, the winged horse, whose abdomen merges with the vegetal decoration and volutes. Only the left side shows detailed rendering, the design on the right has merely been faintly laid out. While the horse is fully integrated into the architectural form on the left, it appears to dash forth more strikingly on the right. What makes this work unusual is that it would appear that each half was modelled on a different design from the stock of workshop materials available.
Artwork information
Unidentified pupil of the Piranesi studio, Group 9
Place and date
Rome, second half of the 1760s, certainly before 1778
Dimensions (sheet)
268 x 203 mm
Inventory number
IX 5159-35-29-4
- Marmor
- Piranesi-Werkstatt
- Italienisches Papier
- Schwarze Kreide
- Charles-Louis Clérisseau
- Baldassare Peruzzi
- Sebastiano Serlio
- Mars-Ultor Tempel
- Labacco, Libro
- Serlio, Regole
- Rom, Musei dei Fori Imperiali
- Kapitell
- Akanthusranken
- Pause
- IX 5159-35-29-4
- Stilistische Gruppe 09
GND terms
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