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340 works foundSketch of corbel with seahorse motif
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778), Group 1Frieze of man standing between two horned, winged lions, from the Domus Flavia, Palatine Hill in Rome
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793), Group 4Frieze with lotus palmette motif from Trajan's Forum at the Villa Borghese
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) (?), Group 5Frieze with vines from the door of San Giorgio church in Velabro
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 7Sketch of the left half of a sarchophagus gable with seated griffin
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8Sketch of the right side of a sarcophagus gable with erotes slaying/killing the sacrifical bulls
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8Sarchophagus gable with Sphynx relief
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8Vine frieze with erotes, lions, hinds and bulls, from the Domus Flavia on the Palatine
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Vine frieze with motif of erotes hunting animals, from the Casa die Crescenzi
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Square soffitt with leaves encircling a central flower
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Soffitt with leaf tendrils and a central flower, from Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (ca. 1736–1793) or copy after Lhuillier (?), Group 6Pilaster with cornucopia, fruit bowls and floral motifs
Unidentified draughtsman of the Piranesi Studio, Group 8