With outstretched wings and a steely gaze, the eagle encircled by a wreath of oak leaves symbolizes the power of Imperial Rome. The relief panel probably originated from the Forum of Trajan. Modern-day visitors to Rome can still see it on display in a porch of the church of Santi Apostoli, where it was also on display in Piranesi’s day. As the work of two separate draughtsmen, this sheet demonstrates two different but complementary drawing styles: one in red chalk, including the meticulous shading, and one with brisk penwork above it in black. This sheet allows us to trace the fascinating work steps and division of labour in the Piranesi workshop.
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Artwork information
Nicolas François Daniel Lhuillier (c. 1736–1793), reworked in the Piranesi studio (Giovanni Battista or Francesco Piranesi?), Group 5
Place and date
Rome, probably between 1755 and 1768, reworked before 1770
Dimensions (sheet)
292 x 661 mm
Inventory number
IX 5159-35-35-1
GND terms
- Relief;
- Clérisseau, Charles-Louis;
- Piranesi, Giovanni Battista;
- Lhuillier, Nicolas-François-Daniel;
- Piranesi, Giovanni Battista;
- Santi Apostoli;
- Adler;
- Abklatschverfahren;
- Julius;
- Adam, James;
- Escher, Hans Caspar;
- Chalgrin, Jean-François-Thérèse
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