Satyrs and Maenads, the mythical attendants of Bacchus, god of wine, are one of the most frequent motifs found on the relief decoration on ancient vases and urns, as well as terracotta panels, which were serially manufactured in the Roman period. It has thus far not been possible to identify the ancient models after which these figures were drawn. This sheet was for workshop use only, one of hundreds of sheets in its stock of preparatory designs.
Artwork information
Copy after Giuseppe Cades (1750–1799) (?), Group 14
Place and date
Rome, 1760s
Dimensions (sheet)
198 x 195 mm
Inventory number
IX 5159-36-11-2
- Ölpause
- Piranesi-Werkstatt
- Italienisches Papier
- Schwarze Kreide
- Giuseppe Cades
- Gorhambury Hill
- Satyr
- Mänade
- Männliche Figur
- Stilistische Gruppe 14
- IX 5159-36-11-2
- Hirtenstab
- Gewand
- Fell
- Weibliche Figur
GND terms
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